Thanks @mets!

I just wanted to grab this moment to thank the folks behind the scenes at the @mets.

They continue to be great to me despite my season-long sarcasm chop-busting helpful commentary.  I don’t avail myself of my Bloggeratti status often enough to attend the events (I was invited to yesterday’s game) because of a hectic schedule, but it’s much appreciated.  The Mets are also great about getting back to me when I actually bother to ask them for information about something (say Mrs. Met suddenly un-retires)

There are two folks in particular and they know who they are.  Thank you ladies.

daniel murphy thanks mets


And now the off-season.  Mets Police doesn’t slow down, and we post at just about the same rate as during the season.  In some ways, the off-season is more our thing since MP doesn’t really talk much about the games.

So, as you need your Mets fix between now and Opening Day, be sure to keep stopping by.