So I bought a Mets 10 game ticket plan. Here’s why.

So I bought this package.

mets saturday tickets

You may recall that I wrote about how I didn’t like the 2014 ticket plans and how the Mets may have lost a customer.

At first glance none of the plans worked for me. The Saturday plans had some dates that don’t work because I travel and the kids play soccer in September. The pick-your-own doesn’t offer the Promenade for some reason I still don’t get.

I had moved on a little. I mentioned to Junior we might not get tickets and he gave me a “whaddaya mean???” face. He too quickly moved on but it registered with me that he likes going to games with dad.

Concurrently my new ticket rep, who I mentioned seemed nice, and I kept emailing. He let me know I could swap some games which I hadn’t realized.

That allows me to dump the one or maybe two games I know I can’t make and swap them earlier in the summer (before the annual August death march to September 30th).

I was able to get “my seats”, Opening Day and a bunch of Saturdays. My ticket p, whose job it is to get me to buy tickets, pointed out that this what I wanted anyway, no?

He was right and for like $600 after bullshit fees and nonsense I re-upped.

I’m not saying you should buy tickets or not. I don’t care. I continue to have low expectations for 2014.

For me, I get another season of memories with my kid.

I also do this blog, which brings in not-quite but about $600 a month in revenue. The blog needs content. The more involved I am with the team the better the blog is and the easier it is to do. So in that way this is a business expense.

You can agree, disagree, call me flip-flipper or stupid. It’s been a slow month so I thought I’d share my experience and decision making process.

While I’ve got you – I am running the 2013 NYC Marathon and doing a fundraiser for a local animal shelter. I hope you’ll consider donating if you like the site. Thx! More info here

13 Replies to “So I bought a Mets 10 game ticket plan. Here’s why.”

  1. “For me, I get another season of memories with my kid.”

    Then it was money well spent.

  2. Agree with Patrick. Also, I did the 10-game Saturday plan too. As I said before, the 20-game seemed like it would yield too many games I couldn’t go too (plus it was more money than I wanted to spend). While I was a little surprised and annoyed I couldn’t get the exact same field-level seats I had for my 15-game plan last season, they offered me a mere two rows back, and closer to the aisle than before (having to crawl over people to go pee or get some grub grows old fast). And the same seats for Opening Day, which shocked me. I figured the Opening Day tickets would be in the promenade or something. I’ve never sat in the field for Opening Day. Even at Shea, the closest I ever was was the mezzanine. All in all, pretty happy with the plan.

  3. Personally, I still plan on goong the single game route. Between StubHub and individual game deals I may spend less, certainly not more, and can pick my exact games on short notice based on the weather, work schedule, etc… I plan to go to just as many games; I just see no reason to decide exactly which ones now. It’s not like I am expecting many sell out and that I won’t be able to get tickets.

  4. You’re ALL a bunch of “SELL-OUTS” !
    Not one upgrade to the team yet,and you still buy.
    Year after year you complain how ownership does nothing
    yet you give them interest free loan.
    Like Fred, I wouldn’t change a thing
    knowing I have a loyal following of sheep!

  5. Agreed. The team cares about making money and as long as there are blind followers they will not change a thing.

    Do you think Wilpon would rather come in dead last and make money or win it all and lose money if he had a choice?

    There’s a reason the Mets and Yankees priced things the way they did…less people can still mean more $ bc of the insane prices…that is until the sheep stop following.

  6. If I’m a sheep, I’m a sheep. I’m not going to apologize for enjoying going to baseball games. It’s seeing the team you love 10 times a year, surrounded by fellow fans, sitting out in the (hopefully) warm sun, and just having an all-around good time.

    1. Never apologize for doing something you love. I only wish I had the money and lived close enough to go more. Sheep? Being a sheep would be NOT doing something you thoroughly enjoy because someone told you to.

      I hope they go 10-0 when you are there, you see 5 no hitters and 15 grand slams. Enjoy your time.

  7. Dear Mike,
    If I’m not a sheep, I’m NOT a sheep, I’m not going to apologize for telling like it is. I enjoy baseball games too, but what you get at $iti Field is tomb-like!! All you are surrounded by is empty seats, and the people that are there bought their tickets at a lot less than you paid via Fred’s summer time sale or stub hub. I hope you have an all-around good time with the 3-7 recond
    this 10 game plan provides.
    P.S. Not ONE “Meaningful Game” in the bunch!

  8. Real fans go to see the team they love and also to spend time with kids or friends. We all know the present state of the wilpons and the front office; but I still enjoy going to the game with my new ten game plan with my son. The quality time cant be beat no matter what the team is doing.@

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