8 Replies to “Is Willie Mays part of a conspiracy to ret-con the sno-white Mets jerseys?”

  1. No conspiracy theory here. All looks correct to me.

    Back to my original comment about these road uniforms… they were made by Goodman and Sons for the Mets in 1976 and 1977. The fact that Willie is wearing the pillbox cap which was only worn in 1976 further firms up the year.

    What you’re probably missing here is the fact that the Brewers uniform is BLUE, not gray. Hence, a gray road jersey neat to a blue one would appear much lighter in a B&W photo. In the sun, the gray uniforms often appeared white in some photos. I have seen several before that I too questioned, only to find out it was the result of the combination of the sun and photography. A color photo (preferably not sun-impacted) from the same day would illustrate much better than a B&W…

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