5 Replies to “Lids wants you to know about Mets “Heather” caps”

  1. metspolice not bad looking at all get rid of new era logo on side would look good with the gray road uni’s

  2. The brim of the cap is covered in what is known as a heather material. Heather material is a mottled two tone color often with gray.

  3. Meh.  While I’m probably the only person that liked the blue brim/black top combo, this doesn’t thrill me.

  4. I also like the blue/black combo. I still have one of those caps. I would not buy this heather cap. Ugly.

  5. Nope. Not buying anymore 5950 caps as they look like crap on  and come in random size (no consistency in sizing). That being said, the cap here is meh at best.

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