Saturday Mets crowd shots

I see I am not the only one who wasn’t interested in a Mets game today. This is a quickie post since I am bayside enjoying dinner after all day in the sand, and @mediagoon is at the Cyclones so I can’t even dump work on him. Thanks to Tom and David for these.




I forget what the excuse is. The survey said people like night games. The weather is nice. There is a giveaway. I guess we will blame the holiday.

3 Replies to “Saturday Mets crowd shots”

  1. Nah, blame the fans. It’s today’s answer to “What Would The Wilpon$ & Sandy Frauderson Do?” 😀

  2. I actually went on StubHub, with a vague notion to take my family to this game. The ticket prices were much higher than expected, especially when you consider all these empty seats. Any decent seat was at least $50. In years past, I would have expected to see decent seats for about $30 and some seats in single digits. Maybe I’m wrong, but it appears people are not willing to give tickets away so cheaply anymore in an effort to be able to sell them at higher prices sometime if the Mets ever become relevant again.  For $15 for a 300 level infield ticket, I would have bought them.

  3. Im not sure if this is public information…but do they make any money off concessions? Parking? It seems like they want to maximize the money coming into the door at the expense of people buying things inside the stadium. I was always under the impression that if people showed up they would spend money and to discount admission would be the best way. Making Mets tickets $10-15 (including service fees) would entice me to go to the games no matter the team performance..Even when they “discount” the tickets they still add enough service charges you feel like your getting ripped off…Its rough to stomach for a single $20 ticket coming out to $27. After a while you don’t want to buy tickets because you feel like they are scamming you with the fees

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