.@Mets to move in fences at Citi Field

The NY Daily New twitter account posted this story-

The team will move in the right-center and right field fences, with construction expected to begin within the upcoming weeks, possibly after the conclusion of the World Series. After the 2011 season, the Mets brought in the left field wall from 371 feet to 358 feet, right-center from 415 feet to 390 feet, and right field from 378 feet to 375 feet.

You can read the whole article here

‘Goon says- It is amazing how no other team in MLB has a problem hitting it out over the fences except the Mets. Instead of spending money on moving in the fences, use that money to get players that can hit it out and over the existing dimensions.

6 Replies to “.@Mets to move in fences at Citi Field”

  1. metspolice I wonder if Mets realize that smaller dimensions also give visiting teams an easier time at bat.

  2. .jmp_nyc They do not realize it. They choose to neutralize their pitching/defensive advantage so DW can hit 13 HRs not 8.

  3. metspolice jmp_nyc I support it because it could help Mets’ bats overall confidence/keep streaks going in an already streaky game

  4. metspolice jmp_nyc Per msimonespn, The Mets – the entire team – would have only had 7 more HR last year with the walls at new dimensions.

  5. STLMetsFan5 metspolice jmp_nyc msimonespn u know what’s exciting? A CF chasing a deep fly ball crashing into the wall to make a grab.

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