Mets Police Morning Laziness: insane sports league plays 10pm eastern game

First of all, baseball needs to step it the hell up..

Second, are you kidding me with that 10pm start?  Who does that help?

SLACKISH REACTION GAME 1:   JDG made me more excited about baseball than I have been in two years with that one inning, and I wrote about it.


Me: Alexa, Time?

Alexa: The time is 12:25

Me: Alexa, Mets score?

Alexa:  The Mets are tied 5-5

I go back to sleep going hoo-boy.

Me:  Alexa, Time?

Alexa:  The time is 2:40

Me:  Alexa, Mets score?

Alexa:  The Mets won 8-5.

A 3:21 game, so it ended like 1:26 am or so?

Mets get back to the hotel at 2:30.  Sleep 10 hours until 12:30pm today.  Hang out and watch TV for three hours. Get to ballpark for 7:30 game.   Don’t wanna hear about anyone being tired.