Ranking the all-time Mets Mascots #nationalmascotday

On this #nationalmascotday let’s rank the Mets mascots from worst to first.

WORST (ok, least-greatest):  Current Mr. Met

Current Mr. Met is kind of lame.  He stands there.  Walks around.  Maybe he shoots a projectile t-shirt at someone.  He doesn’t really do anything.  He’s not bad, but you guys overrate him.  Sorry. Write letters.  Send angry tweets to me.

Mrs. Met

Here’s Mrs. Met who is OK and all but always seems to be getting hit on by a Lion or an Avenger.  Stop harassing her guys.

Original Mr. Met

Have ya read the blog?  This is the Mr. Met of my youth so of course it’s better than anything the Mets do now.  We were so confused as kids when he disappeared.

Lady Met

The Mets seem to have tried to bury their past.  We’re about to hit a run of mascots of which there are very few photos, and yet these are the best ones.  Here’s a rare shot of Lady Met!  Is Lady Met the same character as Mrs. Met, or is she the mother of the current Mr. Met?   Go down this rabbit hole.

lady met 1.jpg

Mr. Met 1.5

I love Mr. Met 1.5!   This short lived version of which there are almost no pictures has a terrible design but I love the wild look in his eyes.  You can tell he doesn’t want to work for the Mets and just does this for a paycheck.  He might have 4 or 5 beers before the sixth inning.

Mr. Met 1.5 brings the danger and I am attracted to it.

If Matt Harvey were Mr. Met, he’d be this.   This is Mr. Met showing up in a Maserati with two super models and he does not give a fudge what you think.

Homer the Beagle

Who doesn’t love dogs?  I love dogs.  Interestingly, the official mascot Homer has a pennant with Mr. Met on it.  Hmmmm.  This may be the only photo of this dog known to exist.  If you know of more let me know since I can always use more Coronavirus Filler.  Did you even know this happened?  It happened.

BEST:  Mettle the Mule!

Yes Millennials, the Mets had a MULE as a mascot.  Bring this back!!!  The Mets have tried to cover this up BIG TIME.  Good luck finding any evidence this happened, but it did!

Mettle was like the Star Wars Holiday Special for us kids.  We remembered seeing it, but there was no evidence of it until the internet came along and proved we didn’t imagine it.