Mets issue statement against to stop Asian Hate, add Christie to board

The Mets, who recently added Donald Trump enabler Chris Christie to their Board of Directors, put this statement out Thursday.

“We are proud that our home in Flushing is also the home to more Asian and Pacific Islander New Yorkers than any neighborhood in the City. We are raising our voices alongside our colleagues and neighbors in the tri-state area to say that anti-Asian violence is intolerable and repugnant. We have offered our help to our local leaders to assist them to put an end to this prejudice and hate. What makes New York New York is the respect we all have for each other, no matter who we are or where we’re from. We have no room or time for hate in New York. #StopAsianHate”

The Mets may find this article from the Washington Post interesting: Racist anti-Asian hashtags spiked after Trump first tweeted ‘Chinese virus,’ study finds

And this tweet from October 2020, a point in which I doubt Mr. Christie could possibly be unaware of Mr. Trump’s behavior.