Mets moving in the Citi Field fence, Speakeasy club coming for your enjoyment!

The New York Post is catching up on the story about the RF fence being moved in.  This is believed to be part of project Speakeasy Club which I told you about in the summer.

I will save you the click and let you know they are brining in the feet about 8 feet.

Now for those of you unfamiliar with the term Speakeasy, that is a term for a club operated by someone working outside the boundaries of the law in the 20’s.  The 1920s that is.   During Prohibition, the manufacture, sale and transport of alcohol was illegal in the United States, yet some folks still decided to operate clubs, called Speakeasies.

One of the notorious names of the 1920s was Al Capone who amassed a vast personal fortune doing shady activities, often in Speakeasies.  Capone eventually went to jail for tax evasion.

Anyway, it sounds like the new club(s) will be a great addition for Mets fans who want to attend the game in style!