I thought this was fun from a Dodgers fan who sounds like my kind of guy.
So, I’m in the market for a cap. Yes, a baseball cap, and more specifically a Dodger cap. No, not an “LA” hat, a Dodger hat. And as far as I can remember, those come in one color — Dodger blue.
Without looking up, the young man waves his hand to a section of wall extending from the sweatbands to the shoe whitener. I get confused. I asked for Dodgers, not a pink hat with an LA on it. I try again,”no, sorry, I’m looking for a blue Dodgers hat.” The ref turns, a slot machine of looks flash across his face and finally pauses somewhere between shock and hatred, “right there, man.” His finger makes a definitive dotted line with an arrowhead pointing directly to a blue buffalo-checked cap with chambray interior.