New Traditions For Citi Field

This is a re-post, but activity on the Mets Police  has been way up thanks to the community of bloggers uniting to try to get Opening Night switched to a 1:05 start …so I thought I’d share.

New digs, let’s start some new traditions (and bring back some old ones).
I offer the following to the Wilpons and invite you to add suggestions.
1.  Bring Back Oldtimers Day.   Our ’86 heroes are in their 50’s now.  Have them play those 2000 Subway Series guys, and have the 69ers and 73ers come and wave.  Sprinkle in some Youngblood and Stearns action and you have something.  Think the Shea closing ceremony with a game and without a depressing loss beforehand.  The Mets might also want to add 40 to 1969 and see what number they get.
2.  Banner Day.  An actual unique Mets tradition.  Bring it back.  If you don’t want to have a doubleheader just do it at noon some Sunday, maybe even on a Mr. Mets dash day.   Just make sure ESPN keeps their hands off (no 8:05 starts).
3.  Rusty’s Ribs.  Enough with the designer Pop Frites stands.  Rip off the Orioles and have Rusty cook up some ribs.
4.  Meet Me At The Apple.   There was never any cool place to meet at Shea.  Meet me at the Apple.  The real one not the phony shiny new one.
5.  Seaver Always Throws Out Opening Day.   Don’t mess around.  Pay G.T.S. the money.   Tom should be at every opening day until he dies, then Keith gets the tradition.
6.   Hang a 17 on the fence.
7.  Wear Pinstripes and blue hats six days a week.  Wear whatever they want to sell on Sundays.

8.  Bullpen cars with cap-tops.  Even if they are never used, have the bullpen cars.  They were cute and kids like them.
9.  The new sign man.    But not a shill-job.  Pick one of the honest bloggers out there and let them have the job.
10.  No wave.  Let’s just collectively decide we don’t do the wave.
11.  Organ music.   Real organ music.  Less techno-pop and loud rock songs.  Live organ music.
12.  The traditional Take Me Out To The Ballgame recording.  The one from the guy that was the PA announcer in the 80’s.
13.  The Curly Shuffle.  This stopped because the curly folks wanted to be paid.  Just pay them.  It can’t cost any more than Enter Sandman did.  Just play it.

14.  Lady met returns.

15.  The traditional booing of Luis Castillo.  We Met fans will boo him during his first at bat, all season long as he wins the MVP and the Mets win a ring.  It will be our version of roll call.   For years when Luis shows up at Old Timers Day we shall boo him.

Omar Minaya Puts WBC Ahead of Mets

From Newsday:

“I just don’t believe in denying a player the opportunity to represent his country,” Minaya said. “I could never stand in the way of that. That’s something that’s very special. We’re all committed to it. Oliver Perez is the best pitcher in Mexico right now. How can you tell a player, the best pitcher in the country, that he can’t participate?”

Like this.

We pay you $36 million dollars to pitch for the Mets.  Not Mexico, not your friend’s softball team, not even on the Wii.  Protect that arm.

I wonder if Omar truly believes what he said, or if the Selig mafia got to him.

“We always have to take into consideration what’s in the best interest of the game, what’s in the best interest of the players. We just can’t think about ourselves only. That’s just not the right attitude.”

I would prefer to have a General Manager who puts the Mets first.

Random Mets Pictures For A Saturday: Citi Field Edition

I like that they kept the scoreboard skyline with the ribbon over the Twin Towers. (A few pictures in) Cool.   I wish they gave it better placement.

Nobody says Twin Towers any more, it’s all World Trade Center.

(if you’re looking at a green jacket, just click the arrow and you’ll get to the pics)

It’s Official, I Can’t Afford Yankee Tickets

So I just hung up with the Yankees.  They were very nice.  I can’t afford to go to games.

I bought a partial in 2008 because I wanted to go to the stadium while it was still there.  I had fun.

Coming in to 2009 I was at the end of the line.  I understand it.  It’s where I should be.   No problem.

So the partial pools came and went.  I didn’t get offered anything. 

They did let me take part in the presale, so I made my own “plan.”  Nothing bad to say.

I just hung up with the agent.

There were no weekend plans left at all.

He offered me a 20 game “mix” plan of weekends and weekdays.  I declined $85 and $50 seats.  Do the math….times two times twenty.  I can’t float that.

The best he could do was a $45 plan for random weeknights.  I thanked them, but declined.

Oh well.  Supply and demand.  The real fans scooped up the tickets, as it should be.

I’m officially priced out!  There were no Yankee tickets available that I could afford.  Welcome to 2009.