Planning The Perfect Opening Day

As of right now the Mets are still planning on opening Corporate Field with a night game on April 16th. And as discussed earlier, they still don’t have a National Anthem singer.

Really not ideal.

But what would an ideal – a PERFECT – Opening Day be like? Here’s how I see it (at least things I could control)

  1. Opening DAY – This is the easy one. The game would be played with a 1 pm start time. No late nights, no freezing temperatures. Day baseball. Period.
  2. Seaver Statue – During the Opening Ceremonies the Mets would unveil a statue honoring the man that will always be known as The Franchise to be placed outside the ballpark in
  3. William A. Shea Plaza – Bill Shea is responsible for the Mets existence. He no longer has a ballpark named after him – at least honor him by naming the plaza for him
  4. Sey Hey Seats – The Wilpons have gone head over heals in honoring the Brooklyn Dodgers, but as has been mentioned here many times before, where’s the love for that other NY NL team? Announce that the bleacher seats would be named in honor of a Giant that actually played for the Mets
  5. A Good National Anthem – Little 8 yr old Betsy is cute and is fine on May 12th – but not for Opening Day. Give me Billy Joel (or someone similar)
  6. First Pitch – Open the new ballpark the same way you closed the old one, with Tome Seaver throwing the first pitch to Mike Piazza
  7. Blue Hats – Start the year right – start the new ballpark right. Blue hats and pinstripes.

Are there other things I’d like to see? Of course – friendly ushers, a Mets win- but these are things that cannot be controlled.

With 2 1/2 weeks to go, all of these except the Seaver statue are still possible. Come on Jeff and Fred, let’s make this one really memorable.

Who Will Sing The National Anthem?

I was listening to Carton & Boomer on WFAN yesterday morning and heard that neither the Mets nor the Yankees have a National Anthem singer for their opening games.

This amazes me.

The singing of the National Anthem is often the highlight of any opening ceremony – think of Whitney Houston, Marvin Gaye, Carrie Underwood, Faith Hill, Smokey Robinson, just to name a few. I still remember Paul Simon and Billy Joel singing before games 1 & 2 in the 86 World Series.

The opening of a new ballpark- particularly here in New York – is an occasion that warrants a great opening ceremony, in particular a memorable and special National Anthem. The fact that neither team has secured a performer with less than three weeks to go is amazingly short-sighted.

It really should not be that difficult. Here, I’ll help with some options.

For the Yankees – Jennifer Lopez (born in the Bronx), Jon Bon Jovi (sports fan and NJ is Yankee territory), Paul Simon (consumate NYer and Yankee fan), Liza Minelli (obvious). I was going to suggest Mariah Carey but The Captain might not appreciate that.

For the Mets – Marc Anthony (big Mets fan), Billy Joel (obvious), Paul Simon (yeah he’s a Yankee fan but he is a Queens guy)

Who else?

Update: Mets Fans Uniting To Get Opening NIGHT changed to 1:05

As we have been mentioning, we are encouraging all Mets fans to unite in an effort to get Opening Night changed to a day came.   Read that article to find out how you can help,

One of the things we suggested is that it will take much more than this blog to get this to even the discussion level.  We need bigger fish – the bigger blogs, the newspapers, the local news.   We’ve asked that all bloggers write about it in their own words, and that Mets fans reach out to the various local publications and message boards.

We humbly appreciate the big response so far and invite you to do the right thing and visit those blogs and sites who have supported the cause.   My apologies if anyone is left out, please let me know if you too have joined the cause.

Thanks to (and please go visit):

Amazin’ Avenue

The Eddie Kranepool Society

the ‘Ropolitans

and it looks like at least one of the NY newspapers.    I’m writing this on Thursday night so I haven’t seen the paper today – might be in there, might be in there soon.  Fingers crossed.

Please continue to get the word out .  Again, this isn’t about trying to get cheap hits for Mets Police – write your own articles in your own words.

Thanks guys!!

Queens Crap Blog says Mets screwing Little Leaguers

This blog post Queens Crap: Mets screwing Little Leaguers gets into a discussion between the Bayside Little League and the Mets. 

While I don’t think the Mets have to sell discounted tickets to the kids, and might not even have the capacity (although apparently there’s plenty of seats down in front) – let the kids have a parade.

Come on Mets, do you really need some dopey blogger like me busting your chains over not letting some kids have a parade. Let them march. According to Queens Crap… 

This year, however, the Mets have told league officials including Bayside Little League President Bob Reid, that the teams may only be able purchase 500 (or less) tickets at full price, and they can’t guarantee they will be able to have the parade on the field prior to the game.

New Stadium Insider: New York Yankees Introduce The Caste System: Only Allow Field Level Ticket Holders To Roam The Field Level Concessions

NSI talked yesterday about the field level of New Yankee being “roped off” to us cheap folks.  Maybe it’s because I’m from Flushing that this doesn’t bother me.  That’s how it was at Shea, unless you hopped from the loge or handed someone a five.

New Stadium Insider: New York Yankees Introduce The Caste System: Only Allow Field Level Ticket Holders To Roam The Field Level Concessions