The Former Franchise

“I appreciate the historical significance of the All-Star Game and Yankee Stadium,” Seaver said. “I got my 300th win there. But I’m not retired. I just put in a new section of my vineyard in California. As much as I wanted to be there, I just couldn’t get away.”

I hereby release Tom Seaver from any and all obligations to anything related to the New York Mets or their fans.

Keith Hernandez is hereby given all rights and responsibilities related to being the Greatest Hero Of Them All.

Let us have a ceremony, cheer The Captain, and retire #17 once and for all.

When Tom is done with his new vineyard he can go to Reds games.

They began the season just like the old Mets. But last – 07.28.69 – SI Vault

Let’s get ready for tonight’s airing of Game 1 of the 1969 World Series.

Sports Illustrated wrote about a 1969 Mets team mid-season:

The most amazing thing about these new Mets is that they started the season like the old Mets, winning only 18 games and losing 23 through May 27. “That was accomplished in a rash of mediocrity,” says Outfielder Ron Swoboda. But since then, the Mets have been the best team in the National League. They tore off an 11-game winning streak, including a historic New York sweep of six games against the Dodgers and the Giants, and during the eight weeks between May 27 and the All-Star break, the Mets won 35 games and lost only 16, a pace that was 4� games better than Chicago’s record for the same period.

Four main reasons for the Mets’ exalted station are Tom Seaver, Jerry Koosman, Cleon Jones and Tommie Agee. Seaver, the ultra-cool righthander, generally wins every four or five days, and so does Koosman, now that the lefthander has recovered from an early-season sore shoulder.

To go back to those early days, there was a time when it seemed that the Cubs might clinch the pennant by the Fourth of July. Then the Mets corrected their course and the Cubs started to play with consistent inconsistency, which is not hard to explain, since the Cubs are in one way much like a football team. They have 11 men who do most of the work, and 11, as that old crapshooter Leo Durocher well knows, is a good round number. The manager’s 11 Cubs are the four in fielders, Ron Santo, Don Kessinger, Glenn Beckert and Ernie Banks; the catcher, Randy Hundley (all of whom made the All-Star team); the rightfielder, Billy Williams; and the five pitchers, Starters Ferguson Jenkins, Bill Hands and Ken Holtzman and Relievers Phil Regan and Ted Abernathy. Still, since the middle of June, the Cubs have played barely .500 baseball.

More below:

They began the season just like the old Mets. But last – 07.28.69 – SI Vault

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Giants PSLs

Finally some noise is being made about this travesty. Heard Carton starting in about it and the papers seem to have it.
Aside from banging long time ticket holders with big big big checks to write, they’ve also managed to sneak in a significant increase in the individual tickets.
Meanwhile in the Bronx, I read an article that I haven’t gotten to post yet that says that the Yankees are eliminating many of the miniplans, even the upper deck, and telling people its 81 games or none. Hopefully I have my facts wrong here. I never claimed this was a newspaper.
If you’re stumbling across this blog because of a random google search, click the ‘archives’ on the left and find ‘an open letter’ to the Giants ownership from a family who has had tickets for 50 years. By my math they need to come up with nearly $24,000 quickly.

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Your 1st Place Mets

Has it really been only a month since Willie? I must admit, I fell asleep down 8-5 in the 8th and had chalked this one off. That's the Willie part of my brian, but Jerry's Gangstas donKt quit.

All of a sudden this is my kind of team, a clutch hit from a callup (UnderReyes), a homegrown pitcher starting to look like a future ace (Pelfrey, now slotted for sunday), no cylons from atlanta (Glavine) and now Four Inning Pedro is out of the rotation and free to be nice to 70 year old Irish ladies (scroll down about 15 posts). Might we get to see my next-favorite-Met Jon Niese?

This is clearly a different team since Willie left. Spunky. I like em.

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