Mets Lawsuit May Take Two Seasons

Wow- this Leigh Catergine vs the Mets might take two whole seasons to be decided. One would speculate that MLB might not be happy about it.

As, Shannon would say ” I want to let the people better off at writing about these things explain it to you better, so here is……. to explain it.”

And that is when I hot tag in Mr. Howard Megdal.- Click here folks to read on.

.@mediagoon’s Reboot Jersey List 24

 Session Name: NYM AT WSH
 Session Date: September 23, 2014
 Authenticator: AUTHENTICATORS, INC.
 Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

.@mets Winter Fest



I guess their Fall fest was a success…

WINTER FEST Saturday, December 13
Join us for family activities at Citi Field with Winter Fest on Saturday, December 13

Date: Saturday, December 13th
Time: 1pm-5pm
Parking: Free in Lot G
Entry: Hodges VIP
Event Space: Caesars Club & Portion of Lot G
Ticket Price: $10 Per Adult/$7 Per Child

Free Activities Include:

Mr. & Mrs. Met Appearance
Winter Themed Arts & Crafts brought to you by Oriental Trading
Holiday Movie Marathon
Holiday Decoration Display
Additional Activities:

Cookie Decorating
Gingerbread Houses
Make your own Ornaments
Fan Photo
Food & Beverage For Sale
Specialty Egg Nog & Winter Beer For Sale


If this is your type of thing…click here.