Updated Mets record by uniform..home edition

We’re hanging out and complaining about McCarver on Twitter…it’s a good hang if you’d like to join.  I’m @metspolice, just follow me and I’ll keep you looped.

Walt pulled the data below in response to a fellow fan’s question:

@FormerDirtDart: Mets Uni’s HM: 3-2 in Pins, 5-3 in Blu/Wht, 3-4 in Hybrd/Wht, 3-0 in Blk/Wht,  RD: 5-11 in Hybrd/Gry, 1-3 in Blk Gry

In case you’re wondering – I am watching the game.  Mrs. Mets Police is hogging the upstairs TV, I’m in a gutted basement, sitting in a lawn chair, breathing in who-knows-what – but I hooked the TV back up.

Mets pinless jersey with orange piping

Take a careful look at that Mets jersey….it has orange piping.

Media Goon sent this over and he says these nice fellows are professional wrestlers.

Perhaps this is a minor league jersey?  Maybe I forgot the Mets wore orange piping in 1998?


More ridiculous Yankee Stadium security: no iPads

Trying to get into Yankee Stadium is one of the most amazing experiences you’ll ever have.

Yankee Stadium security can be quite entertaining.  They make you remove your cap when you enter.  As you may have heard, baseball cap bombs are one of the major threats to our society.  I mean, why would anyone wear a cap to a ballgame unless they were up to something.    That knife you hid in your sock?  Don’t worry about that – please remove your cap sir.

There was the great suntan lotion ban from a few years ago.   How many stadiums needed to be destroyed by suntan lotion villains before the Yankees had the courage to put a stop to it?

Sometimes they kind of allow bags, and sometimes they don’t.   Big League Stew has let us all know about yet another item that is not allowed in Yankee Stadium. iPads.

Stew points out that the TSA doesn’t even make you take an ipad out of a bag if you want to bring it on an airplane.

By Yankee Stadium I mean the fake new one where all the true Yankees like A-Rod play.

For your convenience, the rules are below:

Continue reading “More ridiculous Yankee Stadium security: no iPads”

Jose’s .211, Wright’s .255 and Dunkin’ Donuts

I’m back from Dunkin.  It was very Yankee’d out.  They are still selling Yankee caps and my cup has a Yankee logo on it.

As I have said in the past, 156 games a year I don’t care what the Yankees do (in fact it maximizes my potential fall televison enjoyment if they win) but today I am very anti-Yankees.  Boo Dunkin’…and I’m not enjoying Dark Roast as much as I thought.

I scanned the papers and saw the Mets are 7 games back.  That’s like a bad number isn’t it?  It could easily be 10 soon.   10 is death.

Jose Reyes is batting .211 Two eleven.  His OBP is .258.  Jose is getting a free pass because David Wright is hitting .255 and doesn’t even look that good.

The picthing rotation is about five minutes away from seeing if Tom Seaver can get Henry Blanco out in a simulated game.

Things are not good folks.  Not good.

I noticed the New York Smokers Hotline commercial on SNY says “You have to believe” or “You have got to believe” – one of those.   Doesn’t have the same ring.

Uni Watch (personal edition):  I thought I’d start boring everyone with my weekend uniform choices.   Today’s was decided by contractors waking me up and me grabbing “whatever” – today the Mets Police are in pinless with a dark blue Mets cap with a green NY.  Perhaps the actual Mets pick their uniforms the same way.

Mrs. Mets Police went out for an hour so I’m going to see how many posts I can load up before (a) she gets back and (b) the power runs out.   Working outlets are in short supply today.

Maybe if I mention Dunkin’ Donuts in enough posts they’ll buy an ad.