Olympics Opening Ceremonies

The opening ceremonies were absolutely amazing.   Those were some of the most amazing images I’ve ever seen.   That “boxes” thing being done without computers – humans inside boxes – amazing.  That thing with the globe and people racing around it defying gravity – I can’t even begin to imagine how they did that.

Hats off to whoever the choreographer is.

I’m watching the parade of nations now – also very cool.  How much fun to see all the people from differemt lands.

The telecast is very nice as well – watching it reminded me how nauseating Katie Couric was last time around.  Costas as always is being understated and a great listen.

We’ll be paying lots of attention to Misty May (sigh -Treanor) around these parts the next 17 days.

Oh yeah, the Mets won.

The New Jersey Marlins

I think it would be cool if there were a team in Northern New Jersey.  

This article here discusses the economic viability of the top ten places MLB could place a team, and you may be surprised to see that NJ is number one.

Now before you roll your eyes remember that Fred Wilpon is still obsessed with the 1950’s – when the Dodgers and Giants played every 10 minutes, and these days we’re supposed to believe that the Mets-Yankees series is the end all be all….so give it a few years and maybe Mets-Marlins could be fun.

$869 Gets You Two Seats

$869? Really?

It will cost you $869 for a pair of used Shea Stadium seats.

I have no idea what seats from Shea should cost but $869 seems absurd.

Suggestions anyone?

Story is here

Favre And Jets: All That Is Wrong With Sports

I can still picture Joe Montana and the Chiefs hugging the Super Bowl trophy.    Juhnny Unitas “Mr. Charger” had one of the great runs of all time.   Who can ever forget Joe Willie Namath guaranteeing the Rams he would play in 4 games!

Brett Favre to the Jets is all that is wrong with sports.   Never mind that Favre takes on the Curse of the Jets and the Madden Curse at the same time (expect him to miss 10 games, that Madden Curse is a tough one).

What’s the point?

If the Jets win it all..so what?  You won with the guy from the Packers.  He will always be a Packer.  He will never ever be yours Jet fans.  Don’t waste the money on the #4 jersey at Modells.

For Eric Mangini, how long until Favre wants one of his guys to come in and run “his” system not this crazy Jets system you have?

You know what Jet fans get?  The right to pay $20,000 personal seat licenses.   Get ready for “blah blah increased expenses blah blah commitment to winning blah blah.”  This is all about the new stadium.   Get your wallet out, you get to see 39 year old Brett Favre learn a new system!

Brett, welcome to the Jets.  I hope you enjoy going 6 and 10 and getting crucified on WFAN every day.

How Interim Is Jerry?

I couldn’t be the Mets Police last night because I was being The Police Police so I have zero to say about Monday’s game – but on the way home I got thinking:

How Interim is interim manager Jerry Manuel?

Obviously if he wins he stays, but what if the current AAA Mets wind up three games out?   Does he stay?   Do they hire Tommy Dodgers Lasorda?  Do you want him back?

I like what I’ve seen from Jerry and hope he stays.

Major props to Jerry for being invisible when this was Willie’s team.  This guy was around for years and I had no idea how feisty he was – he never undercut or overshadowed his manager.