There was no Mets ticket leak conspiracy

Here’s what I am told:

You know how all the MLB websites kinda look the same?  That’s because Major League Baseball Advanced Media runs them.

Obviously webpages are worked on advance.   This very post you are reading was written yesterday.

MLBAM made the info go live before it was supposed to.

Some civilians noticed it.  A fat guy blogged it.  Some other folks wrote about it.  The Mets found out about it from whatever source they saw it on…called MLBAM and it was taken down.

All makes sense and was what I figured.

Mets Manager Update

I really am digging the way the Mets are keeping the fans up to date with the announcements. This one is to update us on the progress of the managerial interviews.

Here’s what it had to say:

November 4, 2010

Dear Mets Fans:

As you may have heard, today we interviewed two candidates to become the next Manager of the Mets.

The process got off to a good start with Bob Melvin and Dave Jauss here for interviews. I’ll be meeting with Wally Backman, Terry Collins and Chip Hale this weekend in California.

We plan to speak with more candidates next week and hope to announce our new Manager as soon as possible.

We will be back to you again with more information soon. Thanks for your ongoing support.

Sandy Alderson

If you are new to Mets Police (and how it helps you connect with the Mets brass)

Hi there!

The site has picked up lots of new readers this week so I thought I would say hi and catch you up on what goes on around these parts.

Mets Police is a fan advocacy blog focused on mostly off-field events. I don’t do too many game specific posts, and when I do talk about on-field events it is probably in the same style that you have with your buddies.

I’m just a fan in the uppers. I go to a game every other week. I sit upstairs. I watch SNY. I’m 40-something so I am partial to Tom Seaver, anything 80’s and openly have a man crush on Lee Mazzilli.

When the blog works best it’s a week like this. You guys send me a story idea, we discuss, sometimes some good comes of it.

When there’s nothing going on (like most of October) we’ll talk about random things like a cool Mets jacket I saw on the street, or an old yearbook cover, a forgotten player, an anniversary of some kind, or my dislike of the black uniforms and the two toned caps we call hybrids.

My goal is the same as Sandy Alderson. Encourage a tradition of winning and honor. Not just on the field but in how the fans interact with the team, and with each other.

I write like I speak. Choppy. I overuse the word “so.”

The site is updated a few times a day, slightly more casual topics on weekends, and a few other guys help me out.

I can be reached at [email protected], I am on Twitter @metspolice where I interact (it’s not just links to the site), Shark is not a real name (it is my beloved late golden retriever, see my Facebook photo, and she died 3 years ago today) but the alias keeps her name alive and gives me plausible denial with Dayjob Boss.

As we learned, the blog is read by Mets executives. If YOU want to be heard, this is your forum. Bring up topics and write up guest posts. Email me at [email protected] and tweet @metspolice

Thanks for reading!

The starting pitcher chooses the Mets uniforms

I’m getting lots of email about Charlie Samuels related to my dislike of black uniforms.

The starting pitcher chooses the uniforms.  Charlie did not.

In the past I had been under the incorrect impression that Charlie picked the uni (how that got in my head is another story) but I have been told point blank by the Mets that the starting pitcher chooses the uniform and the clubhouse music.

I have no insight into today’s news that Charlie has been suspended so can’t comment on that in any meaningful way.

My take on the Mets 2011 ticket prices

I’m just a fat guy in a basement, with a small brain, but here’s what I gather.

Yes, overall tickets are less expensive.

Guys like me?  I think the invoice for my weekend 15 game plan upstairs will be less.

Guys like you?   Many of you will choose to sit in better seats for the same amount of money you are used to spending.  That’s good, right?   Some of you will pay a buck or so more for a game if you don’t buy a plan.   Why….

I find it surprising that Dave’s data revealed that the Promenade seats were being resold on Stubhub at great profit.  Nothing makes me think Dave is a liar, and he has access to data I don’t have access to.  I find that quite surprising.  At a personal level, I resold OK early in the season and not so OK later in the season.

Several people picked up on Dave Howard saying “Saturday focused plan.”   That makes me think that we’re heading toward 10/5 plans but when I asked Dave about it last night he left the door open that they are still working on it.  In the WFAN interview Dave also mentioned an “Opener Pack.”

Francesa pointed out that the 4 tiers are kinda sorta 3 since the only games in the top are the Opener and the Yankee games.  I guess…but why do I have to get jacked to attend to the opener.  That annoys me.   I guess they know they’ll sell those out so they jack ’em.  So if the Mets win the World Series will we get jacked in 2012?  I would have to guess yes.

Overall…it’s good not great.

I will renew because I like going to games with Junior.  If I don’t have the tickets we’ll never go.  Am I a fool?  Possibly.  There’s no price on memories, so I’m gonna pay the freight.

The Mets are having a good coupla weeks.  It has been a while.  I hope it lasts.

What do you guys think?  Will you buy tickets?  Seasons?  Plans?  Nothing?