Looks to me like Mets Saturday plan-holders will get stuck with weekday tickets

As I mentioned yesterday (and traffic is always down on the weekend so I mention again), there are only 13 Saturday games on the 2011 schedule.

The Mets are offering deposits on 15 game plans.

It is entirely possible that the Mets will also offer a 13 game plan, say “Saturday Only” or “Sunday Only” in addition to these 15 game plans…but in my opinion the wind is blowing in another direction.

I think I could live with all 13 Saturday games plus two crappy Tuesday Pirates games…..but the 10/5 thing really rubs me the wrong way.


Cool Formerly New York Giants pennant

So the weirdest thing happened last night. Both a 40-something year old fat guy and his young son watched every single pitch of a World Series game. I think the last time that happened I was the boy and it was 1986.

The early start was great…man it would be awesome if that happened more often and/or on a weeknight….or dare I say it, a day game!

Is ‘Tom Seaver’ an acceptable Halloween costume?

Mrs. Mets Police thinks we are going as Smurfs…she has blue face paint.  Of course we don’t have white hats or white pants or anything….and I am supposed to wear red sweat pants which somehow makes me Papa Smurf……

I suspect people will think we are some sort of awful attempt at Avatar.

I’m thinking of aborting and going as 1983 Tom Seaver.   A Mets pullover jersey with Seaver 41, a blue cap with blue button, maybe my new Mets jacket…is that a costume?  Or is it what I wear on Saturday anyway?

Maybe I’ll carry around some wine and go as Old Timer’s Day Tom Seaver…oh wait there’s no such thing.

What are you guys going as?