Continuing the Meet the Mets Blogger Series
Who are you and what’s the name of your blog?
We are 24 Hours From Suicide…A Day In The Life Of A Met Fan
The site mainly consists of two writers:
Long Island Met Fan
What kind of things can we find on your site?
Unlike the majority of Mets sites, we offer the entire history of the Mets. We do not just cover from 1986 to the present, or from 2000 to the present. We deal with current Mets news, opinions, as well as anything else related to the Mets. We cover this team from it’s inception in 1962 through present day. We have such topics as Where Are They Now: bringing fans up-to-date with Mets from the past, Talk Me In Off The Ledge: which allows us to rant about something that irks us, and we have periodic posts called A Fans Fond Memory: which recounts special memories we have of times at Shea, Citi, or even watching from home.We believe in the history of this team, not just present day, and we try and show our readers more than what they might read on line or in the press.
Expectations for 2010?
The jury is still out. If Omar bolsters the pitching staff in the coming weeks, along with signing a catcher, plus a little more bench depth, a play-off spot isn’t out of the question. Of course, the health of the team will be the big question, especially after 2009. If Omar doesn’t do anything the remainder of this off-season, I see the Mets, at best, finishing third.
(btw – David sent this to me pre-Beltran.)
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