Kids, you probably haven’t heard of Mike Scott.
For the 1986 Mets, game 6 of the World Series hogs all the attention, but there was another Game 6.
Mike Scott had been a scrub pitcher on the crappy early 80’s Mets, but in the 86 NLCS when the playoffs were playoffs (no fugazi wild card or NLDS crap) Mike Scott was in the Astros dugout as a better Cliff Lee than Cliff Lee will ever be.
Scott was dominant, and was in the Mets’ heads.
Was he cheating? Scuffing balls? The Mets couldn’t stop thinking about him.
There they were in Game 6, with Scott scheduled for game 7. Every Mets fan knew that 108 wins be damned, no way they were winning game 7 against that guy.
I’ll bet Greg from Faith and Fear has an epic article about that game so I will wait until he sends me a link rather than bore you with my crappy writing, but the short version is that the Mets escaped with an extra inning victory and Keith Hernandez threatened to punch Jesse Orosco in the face in an 80’s version of Man Up and Play Better.
Yankees fans are in panic mode today. They fear Cliff Mike Scott Lee in Game 7. Girardi has gone from genius to idiot. My Yankees friend Mr. Sunshine is ready to push the C.C. Panic button (ignore those 5 runs he gave up in game 1).
It’s fun to watch Yankee fans be nervous. Now we all know A.J. Burnett will pitch a gem and the Yankees will beat the Phillies in the World Series, but at least for the next 11 hours we can watch them squirm.
Best move of the night: me! I sold early on StubHub. Ka-ching.
Worst move: real job for scheduling a long long meeting today. Media Goon is in charge for any breaking stuff, and I have a few minor things scheduled.
There were some good posts last night so scroll down.