Playoffs Outsider: Yankees honor Freddie Sez

Hey Mets fans,

I am home tonight enjoying the couch and HDTV while some Yankees fan enjoys my jacked-up-on-Stubhub seats (I told you guys I am a capitalist) but my Yankees friend Mr. Sunshine is there.

Sunshine enjoys his privacy so I won’t post the pictures from his seats (he has some good ones, this guy must make lots of money) but he did send over this shot.  (Click on it for a much bigger version).

I’m glad to see that the Yankees honored a fan.  Cool move.

As I typed this Hamilton hit this one out.  Attention sportswriters: you can park your generic “Andy is a winner, true Yankee, Joe is a genuis” column and dust off the other one, the “Girardi blew it and should’ve started Andy in Game 2” article.   However, it’s early..maybe you’ll get to use that first one yet.

Oh and John Smoltz just talked about the quiet crowd that “you’re not used to at Yankee Stadium.”  Well John you are technically correct….at Yankee Stadium it was loud.  At Fake New Yankee Stadium it is quiet.   Lousy upper deck design and fat cats (and Mr. Sunshine, who does cheer) down low.

Metstradamus: This is Mets Country

I missed this one back in September, but it’s worth taking a look as we all enjoy Yankees postseason.

Mestradamus has a camera just as “good” as mine, and tried to find Mets attire in a store.   I don’t disagree with his findings.

That’s right, Mets shirts.  Nowhere in this store was a Mets shirt to be found.  Yankees? Jets? Giants? Yes on all.  The Florida Marlins?  Yes.  The Mets?  This “random” Old Navy is in the heart of Queens.  Mets country, supposedly.  And there wasn’t one single Mets shirt in the entire store.  Not … one.

via This is Mets Country.

Willie Randolph has moved on

From the Daily News:

“I know it’s all part of the business, part of the game,” Randolph said, standing outside the Adelphi dugout. “I did my thing there. I’m proud of my time that I spent there and whatever, and what happens after that, you just look at from a distance.”

1965 vs 2010 Mets

If you missed it, the best read of the weekend and probably the month is Faith & Fear’s “Can Don Draper Save the Mets.”

I was in love with the article from the get-go because of the Mad Men tie-ins, but once I really started reading I realized how brilliant Greg is:

The 1965 New York Mets needed plenty of help on the field, compiling a record 29 games worse than the benighted 2010 club, but they were plenty popular, all 50-112 things considered. Met attendance 45 years ago totaled 1,768,389, a phenomenal figure considering Shea was no longer brand new and the Mets remained in tenth place.

Greg walks you through “attendance” vs “paid attendance” and it puts in perspective how a lovable franchise has become a mess here in the second decade of Century 21.

Seriously, stop wasting time here and go to Faith and Fear in Flushing.

(If a similar post shows up let me know.  I wrote basically this yesterday to lead-off this morning but the post seems to have disappeared.)