Citi Field’s Wine Bar

via @newyorkmets: At the new Zachys wine bar 187ml servings available in new convenient plastic wine bottle-and-flute combination.  The new Wine Bar is located outside the World’s Fare Market (rightfield).

Pictures of the Mets Bark In The Park

I would have loved to go to Citi Field today with my dogs but

a) my dogs are idiots (no, they really are. Well the newer one is OK, and it’s his birthday Monday – but the border collie is an idiot and would have ran away)

b) Mrs. Mets Police was working so I had to watch the kids

Anyway, I have scoured twitter for pictures of the dogs.  One question, how come a dog can walk on the field but I can’t walk around with a banner?

via @newyorkmets: Beau, a therapy dog, is ready to parade around the warning track at Citi Field

Darby and Murphy in their Mets gear ready for Bark in the Park at Citi Field!

and via @dorothyfriedman these next two

and @blackburnreview



K-Rod and a friend

For newer Mets Police readers: interview with myself

Imaginary Reader:  Hey, I just discovered the site.  What’s the deal?

Me: We’re mainly focused on off-the-field stuff.  I leave game recaps and roster stuff to the other fellows.  We’re more interested in Keith Burgers, Mr. Met, crowd shots, the “You Own This Jersey” series where you send in random Mets jerseys, and Lee Mazzilli

Reader: Lee Mazzilli, the guy that works for the Yankees?

Me: watch it


Reader:  who is this we?

Me:  most stuff is me, but a guy who goes by Media Goon helps me out a lot.  He can be reached at [email protected] and is on twitter @mediagoon    Goon is good with a camera, I’m not.  He backs me up when I get busy.  There are a few other guys that occasionally pitch in but they have been slackers in 2011 so I’m not mentioning them.


Reader: what about you? Are you on twitter?

Me:  Sure. @metspolice I also have the catchy [email protected] email address


Reader: is there a Facebook Page or something I can follow?

Me:  Why yes, there is a Facebook Page. There’s also an RSS feed. You can also get a daily email with all the articles if you please (I do not spam.)


Reader:  I was thinking of advertising.  Is the site popular?  I own a large donuts franchise.

Me: I welcome advertising and would be happy to discuss.  Drop me an email at [email protected] .

The site has had its three biggest months ever the last three months, with April 2011 already being the biggest.  Is Mets Police as big as Mets Blog…not even close, but people do seem to dig it and the growth is quite noticeable.  I leave it to others to determine if they like it or if it is “popular” but I like to think it is.

I also am frequently spotted at a famous donuts chain.


Reader: you write about uniforms a lot.  Aren’t you just stealing from Uni Watch?

Me: it’s definitely an influence.  Are the Beach Boys stealing from Chuck Berry?  Isn’t Lady Gaga just doing Madonna’s act?   I think the site is a mix of Mushnick/Uni Watch/Straight Cash Homey/Mets Blog/stealing from Ceetar/all the emails I used to send my dopey friends/and a little bit of “me”


Reader:  how can I help?

Me:  people really dig random photos from Citi Field.  Take a picture of the shake shack line, or a cool jersey, or the beer you are drinking, or the crowd and email them to me [email protected] .  I also love suggested topics and guest posts (we haven’t had one of those in a while.)


Reader:  I’m going to click “like” now so this shows up on my Facebook page.  I may even “share” it.

Me:  thanks!