Barajas = Kingman (WSJ)

Hello from yet another plane.

Media Goon has the conn, thanks for sending stuff in. I will be processing as I can. Don’t worry there’s plenty of stuff ready to post.

Here’s a thought: Barajas = Dave Kingman, via the WSJ

New Alternate Mets Caps for 2010 #15

Well friends, it’s the final installment of New for 2010 Alternate Caps.

I know, I know, 15 straight nights of this – how will you live without it.  Don’t worry you will.

I have saved a good one for last.  Ladies and Gentlemen, the inexplicable “Motto” cap.

Nice tale of good Mets customer service

As I remind the class from time to time, Mets Police is not news, it’s just a fat guy from the uppers…the story below came to me over twitter, I assume it’s true. maybe it’s not, and whatever you do don’t whine if the Mets didn;t upgrade you. I’m just trying to shed light on the fan-friendly side of things, I’ve done my fair share of the opposite.

Here’s the tweet:  from @TheRealSoxy:

@metspolice Got a story for you. After the Braves game was shortened by rain Mets said to send tix in for new ones. Just got mine (1 of 2)

for the 6/24 game vs Tigers. Surprising thing was that they upgraded my 500 level tix to 300 level tix. Good job by the team.

Kinda cool.   Nice job by the Mets.

War Against Black Mets Uniforms: Return Blue To The Road!

As I mentioned over the weekend this is a travel week for me, and could really use your help (send stuff to [email protected]) – the below started from the comment section.

A few readers claim the Mets have not worn blue on the road since 1998 with one exception.  Here’s the exception:

I defy anyone in the Mets organization to tell me that does not look better than the hybrid caps and the black socks.   Go ahead.  You can’t.

No way the black looks better.  No way.

Anyone?  Fellow bloggers?  Readers?

After the description of the Beltran uniform last week that referred to black as one of the “true Mets colors” I told you I would escalate the war on black….

Fellow bloggers, throw me a link or write your own version of the story.  This isn’t about trying to get traffic to the site.   Readers tweet the pic.


Blue Caps only once since the turn of the century?

I have to go back to work…here’s the comments that started it.  Grrrrrr.  Oh and if they trade Seaver tonight for 5 scrubs I’m done.


The Mets only wear black socks (belt and t-shirts too) on the road, and have since around the 2000 season. Though, they did go blue at Yankee stadium a few years ago, and I believe I read somewhere that MLB wasn’t happy about it, and may have fined the team(not part of their “official” road unis).

Ry wrote:

You are correct sir. I remembered it the same way and did a little digging, first on retrosheet to find the split doubleheader and then to UniWatch where I found the smoking gun. Since they introduced the black as a road uni color for socks, undershirts, etc, they have only worn blue socks and hats on the road once, as part of one of those weird Yankee/Shea doubleheaders on June 27th 2008. At the time, they made a point of saying that that particular uni combo had not been worn in 11 years. It’s too bad too, because it looked awesome.

here’s the times article from that game

here is the photo gallery…the 6th picture is awesome

Mets Jersey Watching in Baltimore

Big thanks to Chris who answered my plea for help this week (you guys know what I write about – if you can send in stuff to [email protected] it will make a travel week a lot easier.)   Chris knows that I like walking around the stadium sneaking up behind people and taking pictures of their jerseys…..Chris took the concept on the road.  Click on any image to make it bigger.

Not sure I remember seeing a Swoosh Cap before. (click on that one on the top left)

There’s also a great gallery of all his shots here.

Major Rant coming up at 10am.