Jo-Han Cannot Save You Now

Losing with Santana on the mound doesn’t help the Willie Watch. By the time Santana starts again, someone else will be manager.

The Mets Police predict Willie will be let go after meeting with the Wilpon’s on Monday. The Mets Police predict Jerry Manuel will be named interim manager for Monday night (sorry Lee, I’m really trying).

The fanbase will be unsatisfied with the choice.

Meanwhile, The Mets Police took a field trip to Yankee Stadium last night and witnessed something – apparently managers are allowed to yell and scream and kick dirt when they don’t like a call. I know, right?

So Girardi does this yelling thing and wow the yankees won the game 5 minutes later. I hope Willie was watching in the clubhouse – eh what does it matter.

Seriously, is there anything that could possibly make anyone think Willie is the man to lead the Mets out of a tailspin?

Jerry in the dugout Monday night. Conference Tuesday. You read it here first.

Willie Watch – Peter Gammons: If The Mets Have Someone Else, Willie Is Gone

Peter Gammons was just on ESPN’s Mike & Mike In The Morning Show and when asked about Randolph had this to say:

“To be honest, I think that if there were another manager out there that they thought was an immediate fix, Willie would be gone.”

Gammons continued that maybe there needs to be a fire lit under the team and that Jerry Manuel, while a good man, is too much like Willie.

Peter, as we have been saying here at the Mets Police for a few weeks now, there is someone that can step in immediately.

Let the Lee countdown clock start.

>Willie Watch – Randolph Digging His Own Grave

>While we here at The Mets Police are clearly in favor of the Mets firing Randolph, we have restrained from name calling – not so others. There is a scathing article by Paul Ruddick at The Sports Network in response to Willie’s racial/it’s not racial comments:

“Randolph is a moron, plain and simple. It’s a desperate move to pull the race card. I am almost embarrassed to admit that Randolph was one of my idols growing up.”

He continues with something most of us have been thinking about: “I used to wonder why it took Randolph so long to become a manager. Now I know why. He is just not that good. There is a reason he was passed over for just about every job in the league. Maybe he doesn’t have the temperament to be a big league skipper.

Ruddick goes on to suggest taht Willie’s replacement should not be Lee as we feel, but rather Wally Backman. While I love Backman and agree with Ruddick that he has been short-changed, I don’t see Wilpon willing to give him another chance in MLB.

Randolph digging his own grave in New York

>Paul Lukas Says: Good Riddance Piazza


Wow I thought I was harsh with my “Mike Piazza is a Dodger” rap.
Among the gems on ESPN Page 2:

When it became apparent that he’d have to move from catcher to first base, Piazza’s behavior ranged from disingenuous to manipulative.


Quoting Piazza: I thought the DH could be a good thing for me later in my career,” he said, “but now I see that it’s bad for baseball, because the pitcher can throw at the batter with no fear of retaliation.” So what did he do after leaving the Mets? He shopped himself to American League teams with hopes of becoming a DH. None of them were interested, so he signed with the Padres, but then he went to the A’s, where he happily DH’d. Hypocrite.


Put an L.A. cap on him and let’s pretend New York never happened.

However, I think the observations about Mike’s relationship status are lame. Who cares dude.

The piece is here:

>Bobby V Conspiracy Theory


Clicked on V’s blog and I see this!

Miserable Week2008年5月 21日 May 21, 2008
Important Information: The May and June issues of Bobby’s Way Newsletter have been cancelled.Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you for reading Bobby’s Way newsletter!We hope you will keep checking the Bobby’s Way Blog and let’s all keep cheering the Marines! We will resume the news letter in July with more exciting updates and a brand new Japanese web site for Big Fish Games. Together with Bobby’s Way and Big Fish Games we will be having some exciting events that you don’t want to miss.Thank you!

Let’s all overanalyze why Bobby would cancel two months of his newsletter!

Look for yourself!

The Truth is Out There!

(The Mets Police in no way believe the Bobby Valentine Returns To Mets rumor that The Mets Police are hereby starting.)