Mets Police: home life sitcom edition episode 2

Uh oh.

Last night I opened up my new copy of MLB2K10 and started on my new season. As usual, I set out to make myself a pitcher on the Mets (bumped Jon Niese for the 5 spot).

The first thing that stinks is I now have to lie about my age. If I make myself my real age the game makes me old and tired and I last 3 innings and announce my retirement at the end of the season. I made myself 20. Pathetic.

That’s not the big problem. Mets Police Junior comes by and the story is very very troubling, and as much as y’all will bust my chops, if I am Dave Howard or Jeff Wilpon this should be a red frakking alert warning.

Junior watches me load the game.

“You’re the Mets?” Yes.

“Are you going to be the Yankees?” No.

“Will you be the Yankees next game?” Nope, I’m on the Mets. What’s your obsession with the Yankees?

“I like them. They win.”

Jeff you lived this in the late 1970’s much like I did. All the brainwashing in the world won’t overcome a World Series victory to a 6 year old. Perhaps I’m undercutting the entire point of my blog, and Cerrone over on Metsblog is right: just win.

Very troublesome night. Fortunately he’s 6 and if he has one fun day at Citi Field he’ll swing the other way, and the first team to hold Clone Wars night is likely to win him over for life.

Last year his highlight was that we got a Johnny Rockets shake when we checked out Fake Yankee in April. Maybe I’ll take him there on a cold night and tell him the shake place closed.

6 Replies to “Mets Police: home life sitcom edition episode 2”

  1. Just got the mlb2k10 mets cap for my xbox avatar. When you see him, you just know it will be our year! Ps now release the game in europe, please?

  2. I have to ask, did you make your Mets wear stirrups?

    I should warn you, Junior may be lost to the Yankees forever. My mother was a rabid Yankees fan during the ’70s (40s, 50s, 60s, 80s, and 90s too), and I do not doubt that it influenced my near 4 decades as a Mets fan.

    1. When “I” am pitching “we” were wearing the white pinless at home and the road unis at home (but Charlie didn’t pack the blue caps). I have now unlocked the 1983 alternates (really!) so that will now appear on road games. “I” do wear the high socks. Fun game. Fake Gary Thorne calls a great play by play. I miss the old random tree in the parking lot from Shea Stadium video games.

  3. My dad is a huge Redskin fan. I remember being a Cowboy fan early in life just to annoy him. Then I remember sobbing when the Dolphins lost to the Skins in the Superbowl. That was pre-6 years old. Then I discovered my Packers and thats been my obsession ever since. I love them like he loves his Skins. I tried to make my son a Packer fan, but no matter what, he never had the same love that I did…and that was the hardest part. Then he discovered the Saints when they drafted Reggie Bush. Now he’s starting to love THEM just like my dad loves the Skins and I love the Pack. And that “fan-dom” alone makes it all worthwhile. I think thats what we all crave…(and if they root for YOUR team, then its that much better). Of course, I did have rules, no picking a team in MY division and don’t pick a team just because they win or everyone else does. Other than that…find something that you will love.

  4. if this is the same kid who wants to wear the ugly Mets BP cap to Opening Day with the Blue Cap Army, then maybe you really need to set him straight. He’s 6, but you need to give him the right impressions now. sorry to say it.

    for the video game though, see if there’s a code or something that allows the video version of you to take steriods (like entering “CLEMENS”) so you can be your real age and still compete.

  5. The Bigs 2 also has the ’83 road alts. Nothing like seeing Reyes, Wright, Doc, and Darryl all in them together.

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