Impossible Polls: Panic wins, so who manages now?

In last week’s Panic vs Ya Gotta Believe poll, Panic took the day.

After watching the 20 inning game, I think Jerry is a Dead Man Walking (and clap for Hojo while you still can).

So this week’s poll (on the site for thhose of you on Google Reader or reading this via email) asks:  Jerry, Bobby V, Melvin, Backman, Mazzilli (I had too), convince Keith or wait for Torre.

5 Replies to “Impossible Polls: Panic wins, so who manages now?”

  1. Impossible poll. Manuel’s a disaster, and if you really think about it, you can find plenty to bitch about last night too, despite the results. And I know some if it may be nitpicking, but he’s got a bad track record so that you can’t even throw out “well, he’s trying this or that. difference of opinion, etc”. He makes the same mistakes multiple times.

    Anyway, enough about that. I’ve always hoped they keep HoJo around as a bench coach or something. I do go back and forth on his value though. Look at Frenchy. (Although he did give his credit to Manuel on that. I like the drill Manuel did with him, but it’s pretty much common sense too. It’s also not enough to keep him around, and who knows how much HoJo had to do with that drill as well)

    Anyway, I’m of two thoughts. I like Bobby V. He’s a smart guy, very very savvy. That’s going to be a plus as a manager, no matter what.

    On the other hand, Melvin may not be the best guy, but he won’t be the negative Jerry is, and he’s an ‘outside’ guy that can bring fresh perspective. And win lose or berth, you could treat him as an interim and jettison him at the end of the year in favor of the future. Especially loss, as if the Mets lose, Omar is likely gone and the new guy should get to bring in his own manager. Bobby V (or Backman) is not an interim fix, so you wouldn’t want to bring those guys into a temporary situation.

  2. I love the thought of Bobby V…however they will think long and hard before getting rid of Howard Johnson, he has one very powerful ally in the locker room and that is David Wright. Know what I can only know from the public perception, Wright loves HoJo and he is the golden boy…can’t imagine that that will be done without the consent or at least the non disapproval from David Wright.

  3. HoJo should be welcome to stay with the franchise in some other capacity, but there is no way he should remain the hitting coach.

    And all you folks who think Bobby Valentine can heal the scars of ’07 and ’08 need to study up on the original Mets collapse of 1998 and also how the Mets stumbled to both of those wild card berths everyone holds so dear. For heaven’s sake, Willie Randolph won more division titles in 3 1/2 seasons as a manager than Bobby V has in 15.

    Mets fans are the only people in MLB with fond memories of Valentine. For him to risk that by taking the job again would be crazy.

    Ceetar makes a good point about any temporary hires. Frankly, there’s really no point in making a managerial change until the Wilpons finally decide to make some other major moves. Until there’s a singular guiding philosophy as to what management wants the team to be, the man in the dugout will always have one proverbial hand tied behind his back.

    1. Sparks I was not a fan of Bobby’s However I tend to talk in terms of the product the Wilpons need to sell, and “Bob Melvin” ain’t the answer unless he starts 15 and 2. I don’t know much about Mr. Melvin but he won’t sell tickets in May.

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