Tom wins statistical unprobability of the day

An email from Tom:

Marty Noble mentions today (on that yesterday’s Met sweep of the Dodgers was only the second time in team history, over 21 doubleheaders against L.A., that the Mets won both games.  The only other time this happened was on August 28, 1971, a day I described in Where the Angels Bow to the Grass, a book about growing up in Astoria.

That night (5:35 PM start. As I recall), I went with my dad.  Seaver won the first game, 9-2 and in game two, it was 1-1 going to the bottom of the ninth.

My father, who never did any predicting, except for this one occasion, called Cleon Jones’ two out game winning homer, before the inning started.  I was a big Jones fan, so he was no doubt saying it for my benefit, but when it actually happened a few moments later, that night became one of the moments in my childhood (I was 10) that made baseball so special to me.

I wonder if anyone else who was there last night – as I was – was also at Shea for the only other sweep of the Dodgers, on August 28, 1971?


Speaking of that game, the cool blog Centerfield Maz (which I haven’t plugged in a while) wrote about the 1971 doubleheader.  Maz runs a great blog even though he spelled McCartney wrong, and believe me he knows how Sir Paul spells his name.