Survey: Mets 9th most hated team

I’m still digging the WSJ’s new sports section…today they have a story which explains how the Mets are the 9th most-hated team in baseball (the Yankees only 5th) and I’m off to start the Indians Police.

Check it out.

Oh yeah, the Mets are in first.  Meaningful games in May.  Someone tell Omar to stay off the radio today and remain calm.  I suspect he’ll be whipping out the “people picked us to win the World Series in 2009” line.  Don’t Omar, just don’t.

3 Replies to “Survey: Mets 9th most hated team”

  1. The methodology is flawed.

    “Contrary to popular belief, the Yankees are only the fifth-most despised team in the majors, according to an Internet algorithm built by Nielsen Co. that analyzes how people feel about certain things. This service typically uses various keywords to find out whether people have positive, negative or neutral reactions to different brands and products. ”

    Who has said “Mets suck” more on the Internet in the last three years Mets haters or die-hards? Disparaging the Mets does not equate to hating them, almost the contrary.

  2. How about the teams that Mets fans hate the most? Here’s my top five.
    1. Dodgers (remember 1988?)
    2. Yankees (2000 World Series)
    3. Phillies
    4. Braves
    5. Cardinals

  3. 1. Yankees
    2. Yankees
    3. Yankees
    (you can’t be a Met fan from the beginning and not have the Yankees 1,2,3..when the Mets won the Mayors Trophy Game in 63 at Yankee Stadium, it was like winning the series).

    4. Phillies (current)
    5. Braves (past)
    6. Dodgers (I hate the Dodgers because they left Brooklyn, 1988 was bad…still hate Lasorda)

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