100 Things Mets Fans Should Know And Do Before They Die (Revised and Updated)

First up, an apology to Maple Street Press.  In March they were kind enough to send me the Maple Street Mets Annual which was and is a really excellent resource for Mets fans – and the excuses don’t matter, I blew it and never did a proper review.  I don’t have a time machine and can’t do anything to fix it.

I’m not going to make that mistake again.  I got home last night and had mail.  Since I hadn’t ordered any jerseys or caps this week (I have a problem) I was surprised to have a package waiting.  I opened it and…

Wow this is cool.   I haven’t had time at all to read it but I thumbed open to a random page and saw #13 The Seaver Deal followed by #14 Keith Hernandez.   Later in the book I found…wait for it…..you guessed it, Lee Mazzilli.

Right there, this won me over.  I hope to spend more time on this over the weekend, but at first glance I encourage you to go grab the revised and updated version of 100 Things Mets Fans Should Kmow & Do Before They Die by Matthew Silverman.  (Triumph Books).

(I think the feds put in some rule where I’m supposed to let you know I got a free copy of the book.  I got a free copy of the book.)