Hey guys. I don’t remember when I did this much writing.
Now that Shannon is back  I can get back to taking pictures. This comes in from FormerDirtDart(Walt).

June 23 vs. Tigers: 20,000 Go Gaga For Wright Foam Fingers Personally, I like the campaigning for Wright, but they should be pushing for Pagan write-in votes too.(Walt)
I like that the Mets are trying to push their players for the All Star Game. Makes the fans feel a part of something. (Media Goon)

June 26 vs. Twins: 25,000 Nathan’s Mets Cap (it’s a Saturday, better get there early)
Sweeeeeeeet Mets Orange, and I like the blue eyelets and top button(Walt)
I am not a big fan of the orange hats for some reason. But its nice to see another color then black.(Media Goon)
June 27 vs. Twins: 25,000 Lincoln Mercury Mets Travel Mugs (yep, Sunday, get there damn early if you want one)
It will look decent in your cars cup holder, but they should have gone with pinstripes.(Walt)
Now I know Shannon will love this. He can walk into the Yankees loving Dunkin’ Donuts and say fill up my Mets mug with my iced coffee. I like it too.(Media Goon)
anyone know how the Mets buy these items, who pays for them, what it’s all about?
and don’t throw your travel mug on the field, it only weighs a little less than a pound, so should only fly around 75 feet in the air…
And do fans actually buy tix for these things, as against the game itself?
Nathans pays for the Hat. The cup says Mets on one side and Lincoln-Mercury on the other and they presumably pay for it.
I’ll sometimes pick a game based on the promotion, but it’s usually a “Go thursday instead of Friday” type thing not a “go or not go”.
I’d like an orange cap but Saturday is not a Saturday Plus this time.