Does Joe Torre to Flushing make any sense?

Some interesting things from Jayson Stark on ESPN:

“An exec” talking about Beltran: “every time he comes back and does play, the team seems to go right down the tubes.”  Ouch.

Stark also mentions this quote about Torre:  “I think he’ll be the Mets’ manager. New York is the place if he’s going to work anywhere after this year. And he’d be perfect for the Mets because he’d be their way to sweep everything under the rug.”

I think the day after Torre left the Yankees the Mets should have blown out Willie and brought Joe in.  It would have been a good gamesmanship move, and at that time I believed this generation of Mets was actually solid enough to win.   Silly me.

While Joe Torre to the Mets in 2011 would make for a fun day and half of newspapers and sportstalk, I don’t think it makes sense.

First of all, nothing makes me think the Mets want to pay “Joe Torre money” for Joe Torre.   His laid back style works with some situations, but I think this team needs a kick in the pants.   Man Up and Play Better, right?

The next manager will wear number 6, but it won’t be Joe.

7 Replies to “Does Joe Torre to Flushing make any sense?”

  1. A new Met manager should have the following :

    1) Can deal with NY press (being a NYer would help)
    2) Has been associated with a winning program and attitude (not just been on one winning team)
    3) Has shown he (or she LOL) can spark a listless team
    4) Has had some managerial success in the majors
    5) Is not using this as his last job in baseball (like Torre, or Piniella)

    I have someone…Lee Mazzilli. Born in Brooklyn…raised a Met…was part of the 1986 Mets and Yankee Coach for their championships…has fire…not too old…and check his record in Baltimore…improved a team under a difficult owner that had NO pitching at all.

  2. Joe Torre makes no sense for the 2011 Mets.

    I don’t see any way that the Mets can avoid going into a re-building mode, and I don’t think that Torre is going to want to stick around for that.

    Besides, I’d rather see the Mets spend the money on their farm system than a big name manager.

  3. What has Torre accomplished? He won games with a team that had one of the highest payrolls in baseball… not saying hes couldnt be decent, but at the same time what has he really accomplished as a manager.

    1. Torre went to the playoffs every year (plus two more straight with LA) and won 4 rings. It’s easy to say he had the talent – but ask Davey Johnson how his dynasty went. How did the 2008 Yankees do? You do have to actually seal the deal.

      Sure Kirk had Spock and Scotty but they had Kirk.

  4. Agreed, but let’s see how he does without an unlimited payroll… or have we already seen that.

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