Apathy comes to Flushing

Good morning Mets fans,

Usually on Saturday I will work ahead on the site, tweak a few design things and check my statistics.  This week the stats were eye-opening.

My traffic was down by half.

I know my blog didn’t get any less lame or boring than it usually is…and I know it wasn’t that I fubar’d the design…..nope, people just stopped reading.

Traffic was pretty good during Walter-Reed-gate and The Adventures of K-Rod which both gave this team attention….but now there’s been two weeks of nothing and it is showing.

I’m looking over the last 7 days,  and it’s a typical week – yearbook covers, oddball jersey sightings, news and notes.

Sure Mets Police works best when we’re policing things or noticing misstatements on fanbricks or chopbusting on obstructed views…but I don’t force stories when they aren’t there.   There’s just nothing happening.

I’d be curious if any other bloggers are noticing this.

As for the fat blogger – I do this regardless of who reads it.   As for the Mets, if people are starting to just not care, that’s far worse than the anger y’all have experienced since 2007.   Ask the Nets and Islanders what happens when everyone gets on with their lives.

With that being said, no podcast tonight because I too am not interested in talking about the Mets.


Here’s the “best” from last week

The Times on Los Mets

Joel Sherman killed Jeff Wilpon

Whatever happened to that sunuvab***h George Steinbrenner?

Afterlife Shea Stadium returns

Homer the Beagle the pre-Mr. Met mascot

Randy’s great Elimination Celebration t-shirts

5 Replies to “Apathy comes to Flushing”

  1. Why on earth are you suprised by reduced traffic/apathy at The Blogs or at The Ballpark? This is a natural result of poor leadership in the ranks while “fans” have other “options”.

    Facts are facts, since Omar gave Jerry the job, the team has been on a decline, and no one sees his style turning it around within the next 5 years… No one… Further, no one sees Minaya as aggressive as is necessary to stock the system with enough talent to “bring it all together”. additionally, every time Omar gets in front of the mic, he says (or does) something so stupid, it becomes embarassing to wear a Mets cap in public. Its been 3 years, and as far away as Cleveland, they’re still asking about Willie Randolf. And while the Shock of the event may have been defendable 3 years ago, the result of a team in 2.5 years of turmoil since are not defendable.

    Yes, yes, you’ve heard all this before. But its a simple fact that all the bloggers, owners, etc need to finally face. The Mets are living in some of their darkest days while having one of its highest payrolls. No owner, fan, or even employee should rationally continue to support this.

    1. I’m not surprised that interest is down, it’s a matter of how down.

      Last year I cruised through the off-season. There was plenty to write about and I never stressed about something to write about. This year I’m worried.

      What struck me was the amount the traffic was down. It’s a small sample and I’m just one dopey blogger but I agree with you, could be heading for a down time.

    2. Darkest days?? Oh please, the current team are WS contenders compared to the late ’70s-early ’80s, and mid ’90s teams

    3. Asking about Willie Randolph? Who in their right friggin’ mind is asking about the manager who led a team to the biggest collapse in the history of MLB?

      If Omar (or Jeff or whoever’s really running the show) would’ve fired Willie on October 1st instead of letting him lead the team through Spring Training with an 800-lb gorilla in the room, maybe things turn out a little differently in ’08.

  2. My traffic is down by about a third, but some of that probably has to do with the Atlantic League season ending and me losing the readers that came for the Newark Bears stuff.

    I’m personally willing to cut the Mets a break until they unveil their “plans” for the front office & the off-season. But if we get another “apology day” where a Wilpon talks about “meaningful games in September” and a “championship caliber team” without admitting that there are real problems that will take time to fix, I’m turning Paul’s Random Stuff into a Minnesota Twins blog.

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