Looks like I will attend one Mets game this year

citi field april 20

As I was talking to Junior (who is completely uninterested in baseball, and I may be over indexing my personal experience but you old guys might want to pay attention to the combo of the FIFA video game and the Premier League being on TV) I realized that this looks like a one and done season for me.

I went to Opening Day, and am already talking about going to next Opening Day and…..well that’s it.

I haven’t mentioned this year how little I actually enjoy Citi Field, but that’s because I haven’t been going.  I know some of you like it (although you like sitting 500 feet away from home and are more interested in thundersticks than the game I think) but as I have written before, I find myself bored when there.  I like the pre-game hang (same mindset as the thunderstick people) but once the game starts, well, baseball is kind of boring.

I had a 15 game plan (or the equivalent) for a few seasons.  This is my second in a row without it, and I don’t miss it at all.

No real point here.  I’ve had One Game Seasons before and will again.