Mets Police Morning Laziness: MLB, don’t insult my intelligence

SLACKISH REACTION:  I think I am losing it.  The amount of typos I am making is off the charts.  I can’t even blame Apple.  I could sort of blame that I am firing off posts between Actually Working (TM) Assignments…who knows…maybe I have Irumodic Syndrome.

10,000 typos aside, it seems my blog didn’t suck yesterday.  I wrote some Actual Thoughts and got some nice feedback.  ICYMI, what YM is…

Does shaving this year’s schedule mean that Cano won’t get to 3000 hits in his career?

Baseball keeps insulting us all.  I don’t understand why they want to undersell the severity of all this.  Now they are acting like baseball is happening May 15th.  It’s just not, and it is as insulting to all of us as Trump saying 15 cases would be down to zero.  Now even Trump is floating July/August….but baseball?  Baseball will be back May 15th.

I actually think a 40 game schedule would still work, and I walk you through that here.

My podcast review of MLB The Show (with @mediagoon)

If you’re following around the adventures of Seaver, Harvey and the Ducks…The Duck Knight had a bad start.

Good stuff here from ESPN

The Mets, a team currently for sale, are constructed to win this year, and the more successful the club is, the more leverage there will be for the Wilpon family as it finds a buyer. When and if there is a go date for the resumption of play, the players and Major League Baseball will want to jump-start the 2020 season. (via ESPN)

I woke up and realized it was St. Patrick’s Day and I didn’t do the All Irish Team post and the History of Green Uniforms…I gotta get cracking.  At least that gives me content for the day.