Good morning, from time to time I joke about the elusive “statue technology” which has inspired this morning’s guest post.
OK, for the past couple of days I’ve been giving this some thought. With the Mets moving the “Real” Apple back onto the open, I think now is the time to start a serious full court press to get some of that new technology (a three-dimensional representation usually of a person, animal, or mythical being that is produced by sculpturing, modeling, or casting) erected out front to really make Citi Field the Mets’ house & home.
I know you clearly desire to see “The Franchise” cast in metal. My thoughts have drifted to groups, rather than individuals. Baseball is a team effort after all.
One concept, I mentioned it the other day in one of the postings on the Apple’s move out front (I believe the one with the photo-shopped apple), the I coined the “Mound Visit”, depicting Seaver and Hodges. Further thought made me realize that adding Grote would be very fitting too.
Then I thought of a two separate sculptures scenario:
1. “Mound Visit” with Seaver, Grote, Kranepool, and possibly Harrelson. A very believable event, and all major parts of Mets history (Seaver, any question? Â Grote, where would have all those great young pitcher have been without him? Kranepool, come on, the only lifelong Met)
2. “Managing the Game” with Stengel, Hodges, and Johnson. Casey sitting on a section of bench, and Gil & Davey standing on either side of the dugout steps. All three in correct period pinstripes (Casey ’62, Gil ’69, Davey ’86). And, there would be the ability to add the naxt great manger to bring the Mets to the promised land) And can you imagine the Yankee fans screaming about Casey sitting in front of Citi Field…lol
What do you think?
I definitely love Mound Visit, although we’d be honoring a pitcher either tiring or getting knocked out. Â Maybe Seaver just had a cramp or Gil wants to talk strategy. Â I have a tougher time picturing the managers…I don’t suppose it would be PC to have Davey sneaking a cigarette.