Stop The PSL’s Rally Tomorrow!

Please check out PSL Rally!

On your way to see the Same Old Jets take on the Evil Money Grubbing Giants, do YOURSELF a favor and join the rally.

I hestitate to break the Bloggers Code, but I’m sure these guys are more interested in getting the info out than getting hits, so if you are too lazy to click the link here’s much of the info.

When? – Saturday, August 23rd, 4:00 PM, the night of the Giants / Jets Preseason Game.  The Rally will start at 4:00 PM and run until the last speaker has been heard.
Where? – The New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority is allowing us to use the East Grandstand Apron Parking Lot, between the Racetrack and the New Stadium.  Parking Lot Section 6 is the closest area for access to the rally.  Please refer to the attached link for reference in finding the rally location:  The rally location is the area between Parking Lot Sections 2 & 6 as shown on the map.
Why? – This Rally is being held to give the loyal fans of both the Jets and Giants a forum to discuss the PSL Policy that is being implemented by both teams to help them pay for the construction of their new stadium.
Would You Like To Speak at the Rally?  – We would like to have as many fans speak as possible limiting each speaker to a maximum of 5 minutes.  This is your chance to be heard.  Please email me at [email protected] to add your name to the Speakers List.  We plan on videotaping each speech.  We will be putting together a DVD that will be sent to the Owners of each team.
Alternatives – We know that the fans of the Giants and Jets are some of the most intelligent and creative people in the world.  We welcome your thoughts on suggestions for Alternatives to the Personal Seat License Policy.  This could be anything from Ways to Change the Policy to Ways to Make the Policy More Acceptable and everything in between.  Please email me all your suggestions to [email protected].  We will be putting together a compilation of all reasonable Alternatives and sending this to the Owners of each team.
The following are some of the Alternatives that we have come up with so far:
Personal Seat Licenses on Only the Best Seats – The Cowboys are charging up to $150,000 per PSL for the best seats in their new stadium.  If the PSL costs for the new Giants / Jets Stadium were increased to $100,000 on the Coaches Club seats, leaving the Field One Section PSL at $20,000, and increasing the PSL cost on the 7,085 Mezzanine Club A & B seats to $20,000, the amount of revenue generated from the PSL sales would be $391,420,000.  This is more than the amount of revenue the current plan would generate.  This would mean that PSLs would apply to only 11,247 of the 78,448 seats or 14%.  There would be no need for any other PSLs.  Please note that the cost of the Coaches Club seats are $700 per ticket per game and the cost for Mezzanine Club A & B seats are $500 & $400 per ticket per game, which is beyond the financial reach of most average fans.
Five Year Ticket and Parking Price Freeze – We would propose that both teams commit to the Season Ticket Holders that the prices for Game Tickets and Stadium Parking will not be raised for the first 5 Years that the New Stadium is operational.  This would give the Season Ticket Holders price certainty for this period of time.
Right to Advance Purchase Tickets to Other Stadium Events – We would propose that all PSL Holders be offered the opportunity to purchase tickets for all other events that are to be held at the New Stadium one day prior to the general public.
Make the Purchase of Preseason Tickets and Preseason Parking Passes Optional – Currently, season ticket holders of both teams are required to purchase tickets and parking passes to both preseason games as part of their season ticket package.  Before 1997, the Jets made the purchase of these tickets optional, as it was not a requirement.  Change the policy back to the optional plan.  The tickets and parking passes to the preseason games would then be made available to be purchased by other fans at face value.
Personal Seat License Fees to be Tax Deductible – The Giants have stated that half of the PSL Fees will be paid as Taxes.  We would be asking that both teams speak to Governor Corzine of New Jersey about making the initial Personal Seat License Fees deductible on our State Income Tax Return.  The State has not had to pay any money for the stadium and they stand to makes millions in taxes once the stadium is opened.  This plan may be agreeable to the lawmakers in Trenton.  Income taxes would apply on the future sale of the PSL as this sale would be considered as income for the current PSL holder.
Allow Food and Drinks to be Brought Into the New Stadium – Currently fans are not allowed to bring in Coolers, Thermoses, Back Packs or Large Bags for Food.  This policy was put in place for security reasons after the 9/11 Tragedy.  With the security personnel checking every bag that comes into the Stadium, these risks have been minimized.  Allow small coolers that can be opened and inspected.  Allow plastic thermoses.  Allow clear plastic bags that can carry food.  This will allow fans to avoid the high cost of these items at the concession stands.
Feed Back – If you are unable to attend the PSL Rally and you would like to be heard, feel free to email us with your Feed Back to [email protected].  You can also send us video feedback to the same email location.  These videos will be added to the DVD of rally speakers.  We will be putting together a compilation of all Feed Back that will be sent to the Owners of each team.
Questions? – Please feel free to forward all questions to PSL Rally organizer, Steve Kern, at [email protected]. 
Media Links Mentioning the PSL Rally:
If anyone would like to express their opinions, provide Jets stories or ideas for the PSL, or give any message you would like the NY Jets management to hear and you can not make the 8/23 date or can not send in a video reply, you will have your chance.  Contact Dave Levy at [email protected]  as Dave will be conducting interviews at EVERY NY Jets home game this season to get season ticket holders to speak their mind.  Dave will be going through the parking lot to get fan stories and opinions.  This is your chance to be heard and seen!  So contact Dave at [email protected] if you can not make or speak on 8/23!!!

ESPN Hates Children

Hey you know how your kid was looking forward to the Mr. Mets dash on September 7th?  Well ESPN moved the game to 8:05.  Sunday night.

Hey you know how your son wanted to see the last game at Yankee Stadium?   ESPN moved it to 8:05.

Thanks ESPN.

Willie Watch: Girardi’s Job

Yankee fans need to stop looking up at the Rays and Boston. You are starting Carl Pavano tomorrow. It’s over. Jeter got old, Torre left town and you’re moving across the street.

You need to look over your shoulder. Yeah, that’s Toronto. How did they get there?

The BJ’s are one game behind you.

Say the NYYs finish FOURTH. Is Joe Girardi coming back? George might be in bad shape but he ain’t dead.

Girardi’s going to finish fourth (with George reading the Tampa Whateverpaper celbrating the Rays division title) and Girardi’s going to return? Is this really the Yankees?

Girardi gets to finish fourth while the Mets go to the playoffs? No way.

So if not Girardi then who. One name that often comes up is Bobby Valentine. Former Mets manager. Great choice if you enjoy finishing second.

Mattingly has a job with Joe Torre.

What ex-big league manager is out there who has experience managing in NYC and is a former Yankee captain. That’s right, Willie.

Good idea? No way. Just look at the 2007 and 2008 Mets.

Possible? Oh yeah. I can picture the back page of the Post now.

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Pavano, Misty and Never Too Many Reyeses

I've been a bit of a blog slacker all week but sometimes my Clark Kent persona gets in the way.

Some quick hits:

Carl Pavano might start for the Yankees? Really? Does that mean that maybe John Stears will be back 'in June' as they said every year? Actually Stearns did return in 84 but damned if I recall it.

If you are the NYYs and your season is Ponson and Pavano, well maybe things didn't work out so well.

The Mets got another Reyes, this one Al. Maybe they should sign everyone named Reyes. Since they already have an A. Reyes what happens on his nameplate? Will it say Al? Mets Police don't believe in name plates anyway. If you don't know who #5 is we don't want you anyway.

The meanies at ESPN have moved the Sep 7 game to 8:05pm. That way ESPN can pick up zero national viewers against the first NFL weekend, and Mets fans can freeze on a September night at Shea.

See if we can keep ESPN distracted before they hose us on September 28 the way they hosed the Sep 21 game.

Of course if they move the game then Seaver can claim he had 'night plans' and then he won't have to go.

Shea is coming up on 17 games left, right? 17 hmmm that number sticks in my brain. Is it that someone from the Formerly Brooklyn Dodgers wore it? No that's not it. Is that how much uppers will cost next year? No that's too low. Oh now I know, 17 is the first number they give out to and Tom, Dick or Fernando. I thought I recognized the # from the outfield fence but I'm mistaken.

Have any more details leaked about Sep 28th other than Famous Dodger Mike Piazza is coming by?

How about Pelfrey being the ace? And Jerry with the complete games? He must really trust the bullpen.

Playing with fire – isn't Shawn Chacon out of baseball after pushing an executive (which is ok if you are Manny being Manny) – maybe he could give you an inning in the pen?

Don't roll your eyes at me, Omar just brought in Al who the cops had to taser (twice) earlier in the year. I'm just trying to help.

Congrats to Misty May-sigh-Trenaor and the best player on the planet Kerri Walsh on the gold.

Shout out to Faith and Fear in Flushing: thanks for the link and kind words. Over the weekend I'll send some love back.

I named my dog Reyes and I think I saw Omar watching us play catch at the park. If you see a dog in the lineup, he's mine.

Felt good to be snarky. Catch y'all later.

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John Challis, Rest In Peace

I’m on the road and can’t give this the attention it deserves right now, but John Challis has passed away at the age of 18.
Here’s some links and I will do a proper post when I can.
Inspirational Pittsburgh-area teen dies of cancer
The Associated Press – 16 hours ago
PITTSBURGH (AP) — John Challis, who inspired professional players with his battle against cancer, died at his parents’ suburban Pittsburgh home on Tuesday.
A-Rod reacts to cancer patient’s death – 20 hours ago
By Bryan Hoch / TORONTO — During the Yankees’ June trip to Pittsburgh, Alex Rodriguez presented 18-year-old cancer patient John Challis with a
Coach Remembers Teen’s Inspirational Message
KDKA, PA – 4 hours ago
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ― His battle with cancer and inspirational message touched so many and on the day after his death, John Challis’ friends are remembering