Most Popular articles on Mets Police (June 13)

Good afternoon Mets fans, it’s another beautiful day here on the deck as Howie and I get ready for Mets baseball.

If you don’t already, please subscribe to the Mets Police Feed in either Google Reader or via daily email. It’s free, and helps you make sure you don’t miss out on anything (I mean, what if you weren’t up to speed on the latest alternate caps and a pop quiz broke out).   From my end, it helps me grow a bottom line readership number.

If you go the email route you’ll get one email a day right before lunch, and I never spam or bother you.  If you go Google Reader you’ll get to laugh every time the feed glitches and says an article was written by “Dan Twohig” even though I wrote it.   Dan writes about as much as Beltran plays, and like Beltran when he plays he’s good but he’s sure taking his time settling into his new house or whatever excuse he’s using this week.

Speaking of help….I will be on the road much of this week.   I can do my normal look around the Metsiverse, but what I can’t do is feel the pulse of the city, hear the crazy people on WFAN, hear Howie roll his eyes at what the Mets are wearing, and so on.   If you see something, write something, and email [email protected]    It’s pretty easy for me to cut and paste at an airport.  Media Goon will mind the store in case the team announces a Mazzilli statue or a trade of Jerry and Hojo for Juan Samuel.

Here’s the usual Sunday look back at what was popular and what deserved better.

This dad looks kind of jerky stealing a baseball from a kid. Here’s the dad’s side of the story and then David Wright gave the kid a ball.

The Mets uniform for each game is chosen by…..

I am goingto have to escalate the war on black jerseys.  Read this description of the Mets “true colors”

The Mets had the bloggers over for dinner, were very nice, and hooked us up with nice seats. Now, if only Dave Howard would meet me in Promenade Left for a beer.

Lots of you agree that it is time to Stop the Wave

The electricity surrounding this Strasburg kid reminds me of a young Dwight Gooden.

Orel Hershiser said that Gooden was tipping his pitches in the ’88 playoffs. Somehow nobody care about this.  Are all my readers 24?  There was life before Piazza you know.

If you like Wally Backman and love cursing…try this or this

The Mets apologized to Jerry Seinfeld.

Y’all need to make more fun of Randy’s Mets Jeans

Name the 25 former Mets who managed in the big leagues.   This might be the answer.

UniWatch was a little hard on Wayne Hagin

If all that just isn’t enough for you, I’ll be on with New York Baseball Digest at 9:30pm and I talked black jerseys and such with This Call To The Bullpen earlier in the week.